Sunday, February 28, 2010

Orange Rag Purse

This is the orange purse my neice Audra wanted me to do for her. I made it a little larger using 27 sandwiches instead of 19 and also made a sleeve to cover a clear piece of acrylic from Bag-e-Bottoms that you can order from Size A (4" x 11") is the one that I used and it fits perfectly inside these purses. There are also instructions on how to make the sleeve included with each piece. I tried cutting a piece of cardboard & covering it with a sleeve but it bent the cardboard. I did not tack down the sleeve inside the purse as instructed because if you ever need to wash the bag & sleeve you can just pull it out, remove the plastic piece and throw all the fabric inside the washer.

This size of Bag-e-Bottom plastic is $9.00 so if anyone out there has a source or another idea that might be a little more cost effective I'd really like to know your thoughts. I was also thinking about using Foam Board but haven't gotten that far yet to test it out.

I took this purse to work with me yesterday to show my co-workers and received 2 orders for purses and 2 seperate pin orders! I'm having way too much fun and a BIG Thank you to whoever started this purse & pin craze!!!!!
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1 comment:

  1. Hi Carol. I just stumbled upon your blog and am enjoying it. I use foam board for my purse bottoms. I cut them to size and cover them. Quite a few patterns I have call for these plastic sheets that you use for embroidery. I just bought a sheet but haven't tried it yet. Either of these is a much lest costly alternative.

    I'm pleased to become your second blog follower. You are most welcome to follow me as well.
